2. Installation

Setup docker

Add the below line of code


To docker daemon configuration file in:

  • ~/.docker/daemon.json

  • Or in Settings>Docker Engine

Here is an example modified configuration file:



Install the stable version from master branch

Step 1: navigate to the folder xpcode in the terminal using below command

cd <path to xpcode>

Step 2: run the below command to pull the docker image by logging into docker with

docker login h2524926.stratoserver.net:5000

enter user/password received from Xplain support team <support@xplain-data.com> and then pull the docker image:

docker pull h2524926.stratoserver.net:5000/xplain_jar:master

Step 3: run the below command to copy files from docker image to xpcode

id=$(docker create h2524926.stratoserver.net:5000/xplain_jar:master)
for i in $id:/exampleusers.db $id:/xplainoe/oe.jar $id:/importtool/import.jar; do docker cp $i .; done
docker rm -v $id

Step 4: run the below command to start the XOE or Importer using terminal:

export xplainpath=$(pwd)
java -jar -Xmx20g oe.jar --spring.datasource.url="jdbc:sqlite:exampleusers.db"
java -jar import.jar

Step 5: Access the XOE or Importer with brower in below url:

Install the version with the most current feature from develop branch

Step 1: navigate to the folder xpcodedev in the terminal using below command

cd <path to xpcodedev>

Step 2: run the below command to pull the docker image by logging into docker with

docker login h2524926.stratoserver.net:5000

enter user/password received from Xplain support team <support@xplain-data.com> and then pull the docker image:

docker pull h2524926.stratoserver.net:5000/xplain_jar:develop

Step 3: run the below command to copy files from docker image to xpcodedev

id=$(docker create h2524926.stratoserver.net:5000/xplain_jar:develop)
for i in $id:/exampleusers.db $id:/xplainoe/oe.jar $id:/importtool/import.jar; do docker cp $i .; done
docker rm -v $id

Step 4: Run the below command using terminal to start the XOE and Importer:

export xplainpath=$(pwd)
java -jar -Xmx20g oe.jar --spring.datasource.url="jdbc:sqlite:exampleusers.db"
java -jar import.jar

Step 5: Access the XOE or Importer with brower in below url: