3. Where to Find What

Xplain ObjectExplorer (XOE)

In the section on the XOE you find some general remarks on the Xplain ObjectExplorer and its interactive usability concept. Understanding this concept in general helps to understand how the backend works, i.e., what an “open” query is and how setting selections affects open queries.

In this section you also find ~30 short video clips on features and functions of the XOE, each one just a minute. They will help you to quickly understand how to use the XOE. They will also serve as a quick reference in case you have forgotten how to use a feature.

You will soon find a number of longer tutorial video here also which demonstrate more comprehensive analytical scenarios (each about 5 minutes). Those clips show examples how expert users solved a problem. You may submitt your video here also.

Importing Data and Administrating an Xplain Data Server

You will find information how to download the recent software version, how to set up a server and administrate the server and users. You may run a server in an enterprise environment with 128 core, or simply download a Docker image to easily setup a server on you local computer. This secion also details how to connect to data sources, pull data into the ObjectAnalytics Database and expose it in terms of an ObjectAnalytics View.

Once you have done some fanciful analysis, you often want to “package” a number of them into an “analytical work flow”. One of the sections here also describes how to package a set of analyses into an analytical solution and provide this solution to a specific target audience.

Developer Interfaces

Any client implementation (including the XOE) goes via our Web-based interface. This section describes abailable methods. You may initiate calls to that interface from within any other technology which allows to initiate ajax-requests. In particular, however, you may put those calls into a script and execute that scrip, e.g. from within the Xplain ObjectExplorer.

Beyond the plain web-api, there are two further interfaces available which makes it more convenient to exploit the capabilities of ObjectAnalytics in a specific invironment. XplainJS is a JavaScript API which helps you to build web-based applications with embed interactive charts and tables, which are wired to an Xplain Data backend. XplainPY is the couterpart for Python.

Xplain Causal Discovery

Here you find a brief introduction to Causal Discovery including a short explainer video. A brief version of our whitepaper is also available (the comprehensive version only upon request). You will also find an example video which shows how to do “Causal Discovery” within the XOE. Causal Discovery is still in beta mode.