
A xplain.ux.table.Window is a specialized window that basically takes an instance of Xplain.Db.Query as input, and depicts the result of this query as a simple table.

Screenshot of xplain.ux.table.Window

In contrast to an instance of A xplain.ux.attribute.Window (which is only able to depict data stemming from queries with up to two group bys) an instance of xplain.ux.table.Window may be used to depict ANY data, e.g. data from queries with more than two group bys.

You might want to use the queryCanBeRendered method to check if a query can be rendered using xplain.ux.attribute.Window or if you have to use a more generic approach, e.g. use xplain.ux.table.Window.

Please note, that before creating an xplain.ux.table.Window you have to open or execute the query (using the open or execute method).

Config Parameters

requestName = null

If you want to depict the results of an Xplain.Db.Query instance, you should use the forQuery config parameter. Otherwise, you may use the requestName parameter which is the ID / name of the query as returned by the backend.

forQuery = null

If you want to depict the results of an Xplain.Db.Query instance, you should use this config parameter. Make sure that you have executed (using the open or execute method) the query before using it here.

winTitle = ''

Title of this window.

parentComponent = null

ID of the parent container to which this window will be rendered. If you are programming an XOE Application, this parameter may be skipped