
An xgroupbyWindow is a small widget that represents a groupBy. The groupBy will be depicted and the user may change the groupBy using this UI element.

xgroupbyWindow extends Ext.window.Window. Thus, an xgroupbyWindow can be resized, closed, moved, etc.

Please note that this widget does not alter any query, i.e. it does not add / update any groupBy of any query. Instead, this widget fires an event xplainUXNewGroupbySubmitted (with an added parameter: the request you may want to send to backend to add a groupBy) which you might want to catch and/or if triggers the onSuccessCallback function that you may pass as parameter (again with an added parameter: the request you may want to send to backend to add a groupBy).

Config Parameters

onSuccessCallback = null

A callback function that will be triggered if a new groupBy has been created successfully.

groupBy = null

An instance of Xplain.Db.GroupBy (required). The groupBy to depict.

query = null

An instance of Xplain.Db.Query (optional). If set, a request is built which sets the groupBy for exactly this query, i.e. exactly this query is extended by the defined groupBy. If not set, you are responsible for setting the correct requestName parameter in the request returned.